The online application for 2022 Advance Level Admission to Visakha Vidyalaya is available and can be submitted from the link given below.
News & Highlights
The Sportsmeet of the Primary of Visakha Vidyalaya was held on 28th of February at the school grounds. Ms Thiyumi Abeysinghe, former Games Captain of Visakha graced the event as the Chief Guest.
The Original BNS Show featuring Bathiya, Santhush, Ashanthi, Umara & Randhir , backed by 'Infinity'was held on 16th of February at the BMICH to a full house. The event was organized by the Fund...
The VVOGA gifted a fruit plant each, to the little Visakhians who started their school career today on 17 Jan 2020.
President of the Visakha Vidyalaya Past Pupils Association of Victoria (VVPPAV) met with the Office Bearers of the VVOGA in December 2019 . The VVPPAV has...
Bodhi Pooja to celebrate the 103rd birthday of Visakha Vidyalaya, organized by the VVOGA was held on the 16th of January 2020 at Visakha Bo Maluwa with the participation of past & present Principals, Teachers, students & old girls...